domenica 25 agosto 2013

Cover brasileira!

Bella, eh?

10 commenti:

Macelo Alencar ha detto...

Oh, yeah! :o)

Anonimo ha detto...

Que belo trabalho! Parabéns!

Johan Lagger

A Gibiteca ha detto...

Hello Teresa and Stefano,

Thanks for visiting my blog.
I belive that the series "Pippo Reporter" is one of the best I've ever read, joining a fantastic script with beautiful designs.
Congratulations and we´re keep following new releases,

Best regards,

Daniel Alencar

Scorpi ha detto...


I'm from Brazil and came here right after reading that comic book, it's just realy great!

Unfortunately, I dirin't find the other two... But they're shorely on the list of books and comic books I'd like to buy!

Also, I want to ask if you give me permission to try to draw you or put a reference about you on a comic book I'm drawing (to put on my blog).

Thank you,

Teresa Radice & Stefano Turconi ha detto...

Dear Escorpi,
feel free to do it :-): we will be honoured! And don't forget to send us the drawing, then!

Scorpi ha detto...

Thank you!

Anonimo ha detto...

Greetings from Brasil!

I've just read Pateta Repórter and want to thank you for such great stories. Really, they're clever and heartful, among the best Disney comics I've ever seen. Love what you've done to the characters and the general atmosphere of graphic novel. I liked even the one with Eta Beta (Don't know why, I usually just can't read stories with this guy, hate it...)

I was already a fan of your work and didn't know that: earlier this year I read Topolino e il Grande Mare di Sabbia. Simple, beautiful and captivating adventure.

I want some more Disney like this!

Anonimo ha detto...

By the way, I'm going to Roma and Verona next month. Are there any Disney studios which I could visit in those cities?

Teresa Radice & Stefano Turconi ha detto...

Dear Victor,
thank you so much for your enthusiasm!
Unfortunately no, there are no Disney studios in the cities you mention... but you'll probably find enough interesting things there anyway ;-)...
Enjoy Italy, then!

Sílvio Introvabili ha detto...


Sono brasiliano e adesso sono a leggere questa meraviglia di Fumetto!

Complimenti ed um caro saluto a voi!

Sílvio Introvabili