sabato 17 febbraio 2018

Fanciulle, cavalieri, fuorilegge e menestrelli

E' il titolo del Primo Canto di "Tosca dei Boschi", 
dal quale sono tratte queste 4 tavole:

Il Secondo Canto è in fase di disegno.
Il Terzo Canto è in fase di sceneggiatura.

Tutti e tre arriveranno insieme, in un bel volumone medievale, quest'autunno.
Per BAO Publishing, ovviamente.

6 commenti:

  1. Mi sto imponendo di non leggere il primo volume in inglese per gustarmelo integralmente in italiano (a maggior ragione per il fatto di essere ambientato nella bellissima Toscana ♥). Ispira proprio un sacco!

  2. I'm sorry, I do not speak Italian, but I had to write you. I've just finished reading an English translation of Il Porto Proibito and thought it was magnificent. A sample of the artwork was enough to make me buy it, but having read it now, I have to say that it's one of the best graphic novels I have ever read.

    I am terribly impressed with the characterizations and the way the characters' stories are woven together. It is a genuine novel. The words "graphic novel" have come to define a format, but few have the scope and complexity of a written novel. Il Porto Proibito does.

    I see that you do much work for children. I hope that you will continue to do work for adults. I will certainly be watching and waiting for any new work of yours.

    Thank you for the beautiful artwork and the wonderful reading experience.


    Mark Mayerson

  3. -B-
    Teresa and Stefano,
    I just finished reading (and watching) Tosca of the Forest digital comics (via IZNEO) and where to start?
    From the first page it's hypnotic and you can't move your eyes from text and illustrations (I struggled to delay each page, but in vain- I soon run out of pages).

    TERESA: Your text has a cinematic feeling, your montage (editing) of dialogues is like watching a movie! I don't know how it Tosca of the Forest translate to the Italian or French, but it match perfectly in English!

    STEFANO: I can spend hours and hours describing beauty of your illustrations, so I'll just point out few details (from countless):

    -Rinaldo & Tosca's narration: panels with parallel montage of them in forest (as a kids) and attack on the village! Sooo cinematic and breathtaking!

    -Horse's dung: on the page 32 I noticed horse dong and I thought is was just for humor purpose, to be surprised that it actually has a story purpose at the end! Clever choice!

    -Mice running in front of sleeping cat- it''s hilarious, Stefano!

    My only objection is that this first volume last for only 50 pages:( so can't wait for next Tosca's adventure to come out!

    Teresa and Stefano, thank you for your beautiful art and for making this planet a better place for all of us!


  4. Grazie, ROMI e FABI!!

    thanks for commenting! Tosca's second part (out of 3) will be published in French this summer, while in Italy we prefer to have all the 3 chapters to make a single big book, which is going to be printed in autumn.
    We know you'll keep following us so, as usual, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

    thank you very much for sharing your feelings on our book!
    You comment is precious: it is the first feedback on Il Porto Proibito from an English-speaking reader :-).
    We still have not found a publisher in the English-speaking world for our "The forbidden harbour"... but we hope we will, one day :-).

    Our only work sold in the States, up to now, is "Viola Giramondo", which is planned for may 2018 (the first volume out of 3), for IDW Publishing :-).
    We're always working both on stories for children and for adults.

    Thanks for your interest in our work!!
