venerdì 24 marzo 2017

"Globetrotting Viola": the complete story!

Hello, English-speaking friends!

The third and last chapter of "Globetrotting Viola" ("Viola Giramondo") 
is now available on EuropeComics!!

Script by Teresa Radice - Art by Stefano Turconi

(Globetrotting Viola - chapter 3 - Homeward Bound)

So, if you like, you can digitally read the entire story in your language :-)

"Viola Giramondo" was first published in Italy (Tunué) at the end of 2013, as a 120-pages graphic novel.
It was then translated for the French public and appeared in France in 3 volumes (corresponding to the 3 chapters) in 2015, as "Violette autour du monde", by Dargaud.
And it's going to Spain, for Dibbuks, as "Lila Trotamundos", in april 2017.

(Globetrotting Viola - chapter 2 - Autumn Symphony)

"Viola Giramondo" won 
the Boscarato Prize 2014 as Best Comic for Kids,
the Prix Jeunesse 2015 at Bédéciné Illzach
and entered the Séléction Fauve Jeunesse at FIBD Angouleme 2016.

(Globetrotting Viola - chapter 1 - Treasure Everywhere)

"Viola Giramondo" has recently inspired a series of illustrated books (8-12) by the same authors, with completely new stories set two years before the graphic novel: up to now, these stories have travelled to Italy, Turkey, Spain and Brasil.

3 commenti:

  1. -B-

    "Unfortunately", too late for me: after get familiar with your work (and from some other Italian authors like signore Giorgio Cavazzano) I decide to slowly learn Italian, so one day I can enjoy your work in original form.

    Starting with Orlando's comic in few days :)
    Mi stia bene!

  2. Orlando is perfect to learn Italian: few, simple words and loads of illustrations :-)

    Ciao, Amir!

  3. Hello, Stefano

    I've been trying to get hold of the 2nd and 3rd volume of Viola Globetrotting for a very long time now but, unfortunately, unsuccessfully. I very much fear there must be very limited copies IN PRINTING (as I do not read kindle versions). I gave the 1st volumen to my daughter (who's also an aerialist, so just imagine!!) as a present and am ever so keen in completing your collection.

    I'm a bit desperate now for, as much as I've looked, I don't seem to be able to find them. I was wondering whether there would be any way you or Teresa Radice could give a hand here and help me buy your books, which I love. I would be very pleased if you could get back to me via my personal email with any possible information that could be of some good use.

    Many thanks in advance and look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Warmest reagards,

